"There is no one giant step that does it. It's a lot of little steps"
-Peter A.
-Peter A.
We all at one time or another get stuck, fall down, struggle through, or just want to give up sometimes based on what we are going through and how we are feeling. Our stuff or many of our issues can sometimes contribute to challenges with our wellbeing, our spirit, and our peace of mind such as loss of a loved one, relationship difficulties, career/job stress, and life transitions. Things, issues, stuff, or whatever we call them, left unresolved will continue to show up in areas of our lives manifesting as unhealthy patterns that sabotage ourselves, our relationships, and our way of life.
We sabotage our lives by being withdrawn, overbearing, or difficult to deal with; we sabotage our careers by dimming our light and playing small; we sabotage our health by overeating, under-eating, not managing our stress, or engaging in unhealthy behaviors. However, the most devastating thing that we do is sabotage our relationship with ourselves. We know that the best love is self-love, however, we are too focused on what we don’t like about ourselves; we are not smart enough, thin enough, or talented enough. But why would we sabotage ourselves? I'm sure most of the time we don't even realize we are doing it. It's something that "just happens" or is it?
Take time to reflect and change course
Have we ever really taken the time to reflect on how we “got here”? That place within us where we sabotage our lives because we think that other people can’t see our insecurities, lack of self-confidence or lack of self-love.
We sabotage our relationships because we are too afraid to tell our stories. The stories of molestation, anger and abuse, neglect, abandonment, moving from one abusive relationship to another; or being taken advantage of mentally, spiritually, and physically again and again. Until all we can do is try to bury it deep down inside not realizing that is when sabotage begins because unhealed stories show up time and time again just in different ways.
We sabotage our relationships because we are too afraid to tell our stories. The stories of molestation, anger and abuse, neglect, abandonment, moving from one abusive relationship to another; or being taken advantage of mentally, spiritually, and physically again and again. Until all we can do is try to bury it deep down inside not realizing that is when sabotage begins because unhealed stories show up time and time again just in different ways.
Have we ever really taken the time to reflect on our lives and how we “got here”? You know, “Got here” that place where unfulfillment might live. That place where we really don’t want to be. Maybe we work in a job that we hate but it pays well. Secretly wanting to go off the grid but the fear has us completely frozen. Unable to even let ourselves think of a different kind of life.
So we stay quiet, do what we must do, and then we die. Or perhaps our relationship has run its course but we stay anyway. We say, “I’m not happy but I’m not unhappy”. Not realizing that at moment we gave our power away, devalued our soul and our worth, and made the choice to stay in a relationship because the thought of starting over seems far scarier than growing old alone and actually being happy.
So we stay quiet, do what we must do, and then we die. Or perhaps our relationship has run its course but we stay anyway. We say, “I’m not happy but I’m not unhappy”. Not realizing that at moment we gave our power away, devalued our soul and our worth, and made the choice to stay in a relationship because the thought of starting over seems far scarier than growing old alone and actually being happy.
Have we ever really taken the time to reflect on how we “got here”? That place of “all right” for us. Most things in our lives are going great but we still feel a little bit off about something because we “should be happy”. We are financially success, we are happy in our careers, we have good relationships, and so what could it be? We look good on paper but maybe not so good in real life.
If we are honest with ourselves, we will struggle to accept that our expectations of ourselves or situation do not match our reality. This is where internal conflict with self and the external world becomes a problem. Because now we have to decide who do we want to be verses who we are “supposed” to be.
If we are honest with ourselves, we will struggle to accept that our expectations of ourselves or situation do not match our reality. This is where internal conflict with self and the external world becomes a problem. Because now we have to decide who do we want to be verses who we are “supposed” to be.
Only YOU have the ability to release self-criticism, learn to trust you, and let go of trying to control everything and simply surrender to the process so that you can love harder, laugh longer, and live happier. Take a step foward. Choose to resolve what’s hindering you from the life you want.
Are we ready to stop carrying around that extra (emotional) weight? Our shoulders are only so strong. Eventually, we will lose our balance and fall. That fall is where doubt, mistrust, shame, hostility, anger, hurt, and regret lives. It is nothing more than wasted time. Wasted time that we can never get back.
I can help you put down that heavy load. I can help you confront the things you fear the most or embrace the opportunities that may fulfill you.
More importantly, I will help you protect your peace. Peace of mind as simplistic as it sounds, it is very hard to obtain. It requires you to consciously on purpose choose YOU every day. I will support and empower you on your path to wellness.
I can help you put down that heavy load. I can help you confront the things you fear the most or embrace the opportunities that may fulfill you.
More importantly, I will help you protect your peace. Peace of mind as simplistic as it sounds, it is very hard to obtain. It requires you to consciously on purpose choose YOU every day. I will support and empower you on your path to wellness.
"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions".
-Dalai Lama
-Dalai Lama
We all at one time or another get disconnected from our source; the source that makes us ‘who’ we are, our sprite, our passions, our purpose, and most importantly, what brings us Personal Happiness. Personal happiness is calm. It is peace of mind. It dictates our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is a spiritual connection to a deeper source or a higher calling. But whatever It Is to us, it can be elusive because it is something we actually have to work to achieve. Why don’t we?
We are stressed out all the time, discontented with certain aspects of our lives, miserable in our relationships, unhappy in our jobs, we get sick all the time, even, physically breaking down, yet, we don’t move. Because staying in a familiar situation is better than an unknown situation.
Personal Happiness becomes something experienced in flashes of seconds rather than the standard for our lives. In our reflections of life, we look back and it just kind of hits us…..we’re not happy. But, how could that be? We may have financial security. We may have a nice home, car, and lifestyle. We may have people that love us. We SHOULD be happy. Yet, we can’t identify what’s missing from our lives. We just know something doesn’t feel right.
Is this your moment for Personal Happiness? Are you in a marriage/relationship that’s not working? Dealing with work or life difficulties? Feeling stressed out all the time? Experiencing sadness or depression? Are you taking care of everyone else and giving nothing to yourself? A lot of good things can come out of challenging situations if you are ready to change what is no longer working in your live. You DESERVE to be happy. Choose to resolve what's keeping you from your personal happiness and living your best life.
We are stressed out all the time, discontented with certain aspects of our lives, miserable in our relationships, unhappy in our jobs, we get sick all the time, even, physically breaking down, yet, we don’t move. Because staying in a familiar situation is better than an unknown situation.
Personal Happiness becomes something experienced in flashes of seconds rather than the standard for our lives. In our reflections of life, we look back and it just kind of hits us…..we’re not happy. But, how could that be? We may have financial security. We may have a nice home, car, and lifestyle. We may have people that love us. We SHOULD be happy. Yet, we can’t identify what’s missing from our lives. We just know something doesn’t feel right.
Is this your moment for Personal Happiness? Are you in a marriage/relationship that’s not working? Dealing with work or life difficulties? Feeling stressed out all the time? Experiencing sadness or depression? Are you taking care of everyone else and giving nothing to yourself? A lot of good things can come out of challenging situations if you are ready to change what is no longer working in your live. You DESERVE to be happy. Choose to resolve what's keeping you from your personal happiness and living your best life.
Please use this form to contact me for questions, or inquiries. You are encouraged to limit sensitive information when submitting this form due to electronic delivery of personal information can never guarantee confidentiality. Submission of this form does not constitute treatment or counseling relationship. All calls, emails, or requests will be answered within 48 hours during normal business operation. I look forward to speaking with you.
Office Information:
Wishing Well Relationship Center, LLC
4301 Darrow Rd., Suite 1600B, Stow, OH 44224
Phone: 330-414-8586
Email: [email protected]
Wishing Well Relationship Center, LLC
4301 Darrow Rd., Suite 1600B, Stow, OH 44224
Phone: 330-414-8586
Email: [email protected]